Resources Limit


You can only submit during the Submission Phase.

You can only submit up to 5 times per day. (some competition may allow more)

A submission cannot exceed 5GB and his resources/ directory cannot exceed 10GB.

If you are debugging, we can exceptionally allow you more. Please contact @cruncher_enzo on Discord.


In order for a run to be considered valid, a prediction must be made within the following:


Runner Specs
GPU (g4dn.8xlarge)

CPU Core

16 vCPU

32 vCPU


64 Gb

128 Gb


40 Gb

300 Gb

Time constraints

The time limits are different per competition, you must read the competition page to know the value.

The quota are different per competition. Read the overview to know the value.

You can control your quota under the my submission tab.

Last updated