
How to submit step-by-step guide

Time to submit

A new round starts every week at Friday at 18:00 UTC and new tournament data is released. To participate in the round, you must submit your prediction file by the deadline on Tuesday 9:00 UTC.

Before submitting

Before submitting make sure your prediction file includes the right column labels id, Moons, target_w, target_r, target_g, target_b as shown in this example:

Be aware that your submission file must contain the same Moons and the same ids in each moon than X_test.

How to submit

From the website

On the main page, you can click on this button to submit your work:

To upload your submission directly from your pipeline you can use this API endpoint:

r =
                "apiKey": API_KEY, # <- Your API key
            files = {
                "file": ("x", prediction_dataframe.to_csv(index=False).encode('ascii'))
            data = {
                "comment": "" # Write a comment about your model here

A functional example can be found in the quickstart: